"Well, then Beverley said � I won tell Charlie, Mary � I haven told him about the barbecue � Her voice just sort of trailed away, Charlie, as though she had left something unsaid � then she said it � � yet!" "I just looked at her, and she said � Tony knows about what happened, Mary � I had to tell him � and we don want to tell Charlie, but �"  
  "Beverleys hand was still reaching out across the table and � I didn think, Charlie, I � I couldn , really � I stretched my own out, towards it. Beverley took hold of my wrist and she just held it for a little while, while Tony stroked her tits, and I watched. Im honestly not sure whether I submitted to Bevs lackmail or not. I know I was shaking as I watched his hands on her breasts � and I was frightened � but I was also oh, so turned on!"  
  "Shes got big tits, Charlie � youd like them. They e quite firm, and her nipples are short, but very thick, and her aurolae are wide, and dark. Tony moved a little, to Beverleys side, but he kept his hands on her breasts. But then Beverley pulled me slowly towards her."  
  "I thought she was going to put my hand on her breast, but � she didn . She � she pulled it towards her side and � and she pressed it against Tonys trousers � against his cock. I tried to pull it away, at first, but she was holding my wrist tightly and I could feel his hardness against my fingers and � well, after a second or two, I couldn help it � I took hold of it, through his trousers, and squeezed it."  
  "When I did that, Tony let go of Beverley and put his hands on my shoulders and said � Take it out, Mary. I automatically looked at Bev, and she said � Go on � take it out � so I felt for the top of his zip and started pulling it down. Then I felt Beverley unzipping the back of my tennis dress. When she had finished, she pushed it forward, over my shoulders, and it slid down my arms."